The value of enlisting your managers and employees as advocates, ambassadors and champions for your business or organisation to enhance your reputation, your brand and your success is often overlooked in the relentless stampede to the bottom-line. Nurturing harmony in your internal culture through sophisticated internal communications can close the gap between how you are talked about around the water cooler or at the barbeque and how you want to be talked about.

Our team will help you enhance your internal relationships through:

  • Assessing and analysing the internal climate to identify communications needs and relationship opportunities;
  • Auditing your internal communications tools and approaches to ensure your messaging is right and is being heard;
  • Examining how operational policy impacts on how your organisation performs and communicates;
  • Developing and implementing effective and sustainable internal communications strategies.

Deliverables include:

  • Integrated Communications Plans
  • Change Management Communications Support
  • Culture Building
  • Relationship Mapping
  • 360 degree Climate Surveying
  • Communications Auditing
  • Message Development
  • Presentations
  • Intranet Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Employee Incentive and Reward Programs
what others think about us

"Three Point Two brings astute political acumen and superb knowledge of all aspects of the governing and political process."

Corporate CEO and
Charitable Foundation Chairman
Phoenix, AZ

"Knowledgeable and trustworthy, qualities that make for a durable business relationship."

Government and Industry Affairs
Auckland, NZ