Like rust, the political process never sleeps. At local, national and international levels, it defines the way we live, work and do business. By being a part of this process you can anticipate, adapt and positively influence the political decisions that affect your interests.

Every single decision made by the politicians or by the bureaucrats, has the potential to impact on your business or organisation, whether you like or not, whether you know it or not.

Our team will help you build your profile and make the most of the political process through:

  • Reliable intelligence on, and analysis of, what is coming and where it is coming from;
  • Knowledge of the political process, the pitfalls, the challenges, and the opportunities;
  • Well researched, politically compelling and persuasive input to policy and law making;
  • Active engagement in the right way, with the right people, at the right time.

Deliverables include:

  • Advocacy and Lobbying
  • Process Counsel
  • Relationship Mapping
  • Political Intelligence
  • Profiling Decision Makers
  • Message Development
  • Scripting and Coaching
  • Research
  • Submission Writing
what others think about us

"Three Point Two brings astute political acumen and superb knowledge of all aspects of the governing and political process."

Corporate CEO and
Charitable Foundation Chairman
Phoenix, AZ

"Knowledgeable and trustworthy, qualities that make for a durable business relationship."

Government and Industry Affairs
Auckland, NZ